Today is the 10 year anniversary of 9/11. I still can how I felt, what I was doing and where I was. Tears still rolls down my face when I hear the stories about loss and heroism. My heart breaks for the children who lost their parent, the parents who lost their children or the families who never fully got closure. Often I find myself wondering what those poor people in the building or airplane felt moments before their death. I put myself in their shoes and wonder if I too would be brave enough to fight or would I have passed out from panic.
September 11 will be a day that I tell my kids of. I want them to understand how it changed our nation. Why we should be thankful to the many men and women in the military. Why we should thank a fireman, police officer or paramedic any chance we can. Today is a day that we should fell blessed for what we have and appreciate that life can end in a moments notice. To remind our family how much we love them. How lucky we are to be a nation that allows us to speak our mind, practice any religion and marry who we want (or divorce who we want).
I hope everyone has turned this event into not a day of mourning but of a day of appreciation and pride of our country.
You can read my post 10 years ago on September 11, 2001 here.