I actually lie a bit with the title of this post. It actually snowed briefly on Thursday night.
It was enough to make this snowball that David was proud to show off. It was also enough to make coat my car in a quarter inch of ice and snow in the morning causing me to be 10 minutes late. Not happy! But it wasn’t enough to stick to the ground or cause a panic.

Now today’s snow fall was a hard hit. It started about 4pm while I was making cookies for our party. At around 6pm the roads it was coming down faster and harder. The roads were quickly becoming dangerous and cars slide in all different directions. By 7pm we had to cancel going to the party. I was not a happy camper having to miss out on the annual Halloween party at my friend’s house.

With our plans cancelled, we decided to watch a scary movie. I wanted something really scary like Phenomena Activity but David wanted to see another movie he didn’t see. We decided on watch a movie called “Behind the Mask, The rise of Leslie Vernon”. Not a great movie and almost laughable to times. I didn’t find it at all scary and more annoying at times.

Just when the movie was finally getting good (I say that loosely) there was a loud pop and the lights went out. The whole street had no power and we were forced to try to keep entertained until we went to bed….at 10pm!

It was not the best Saturday and I went to bed feeling very disappointed and a bit worried. Throughout the night all you could hear was trees breaking. Because the leaves are still on the trees (that rhymed) the snow lay heavy and cause large branches to come down.
Never in my life had I experienced this much snow before Halloween. I am hoping this isn’t a sign of the Winter ahead of us.