I really wanted to be a police officer when I was growing up. I wanted nothing more then to protect the town that I grew up in. After the fiasco of training to be an EMT, I decided that wasn’t the direction I wanted to go in life.
My Dad has several guns and wanted nothing more then to one day pass them down to his kids. In order for this to happen, one of us had to get their gun permit. As you guessed it, that person was moi.
I took the safety course that they offer at the gun club my Dad goes to. I found the class easy yet I found myself to be the only female in the glass. It was very uncomfortable for me taking this class but I sucked it up and did it. My aim was not the greatest in the world and one guy in the class made some rude remarks to me.
In the end I was very proud that I passed the test and soon got my actually license. It was nice to share this experience with my Dad and fiancé (who also took the class with me). My Dad takes me to the range once in a while to work on my aim.
Even though I do not plan to use this skill ever in my life, I never regret getting a gun permit. It has taught me very important safety tips and has allowed me not to have a fear of guns (when they are used properly). Plus, I never know when this class might save my life one day.
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