Saturday, July 11, 2009

Got the worst Sunburn of my life.

My friends and I decided that since it was finally starting to feel like Summer in Massachusetts that we would hit the beach! We left early in the morning and found that Nahant beach was pretty empty and quite. I was all set to relax and enjoy this warm Summer day!

Those are my pale little feet. I didn't bother to put any sunblock on because it really wasn't that sunny. It was more windy then sunny. I only put alittle on my face. Besides I wanted alittle color from the sun.

Yes, life was grand. We left around 1pm (we spent 5 hours at the beach total) and I was doing good. I napped, I relaxed and I got to hang out with my friends.

Then it happen. I was in the car on the way home and I started to feel sick. Then my skin started to sting a bit. It wasn't until I got in the shower to wash the sand off me that my sunburn started to come out.

It was getting worse and worse. This was my leg about 3 hours after the beach. Due to the fact that I was wearing capri pants, I had a nice little farmers tan forming.

My arm was fried too. Again a nice farmers tan because I had my arms crossed over me. I need to learn how to rotate my body when I am in the sun.

The next morning I woke up and got out of bed. My legs felt like the skin was going to just tear apart. It was painful to walk, to sit and to lie down. I used up 2 bottles of Aloe just to get some kind of relief but nothing helped the sting. But I also wake up to this sight.

Saturday (three hours after the beach) ---------------------------- Sunday (1 full day after the beach)

Holy cankles Batman!!

Not only did it hurt from the burn but it felt like I was walking on water balloons. My shoes at work needed to be removed at any chance I could just to let them breath. I felt and looked like Miss Piggy. I weighted myself and found out I gained 5 lbs from those suckers. I never will complain about how fat my feet and ankles look again. You can see from the picture above that my shoulders and collarbone was pretty fried too.

I searched online for ways of getting relief. I tried taking baths with tea bags, rubbing my burns with lemon, and every burn relief cream I could find in Walgreen's. But the best treatment was taking a cool shower and then I would pour Vinegar over the burns. Then I would cake on Noxzema and sit on a tower on my couch. It helped so much but I smelled like a salad for a week.

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