When my Johnny suggested that we should go up to New Hampshire and try Whitewater rafting, I thought "Why not". It sounded like it would be a good time. Plus the website said it was fun for the whole family and showed little kids smiling in their raft.
When we got to the place (it was in the middle of nowhere) they made us gear up. I was thinking just life jackets and helmets but it wasn't just that. We had to wear a thermal full body scuba suit, swim boots, and blue swim jackets. When we got fitted for life jackets and helmets, I was the only one who was wearing yellow. I stuck out like a sore thumb in our boat. Not a good thing when everyone in your raft is stronger and more in shape then I was.

This is when our instructor was telling us the several different ways we could die. I am not a good swimmer and the idea of falling into the river that had jagged rocks scared me a bit. I think I hide my fear well!

Here we are carrying the raft down to the river. That raft was heavy! Where I am only 5'3 I had a hard time making my way to the river. I look like I am going to throw up here.
Finally we were on our way! Wave "goodbye"...I mean "hello"

Our instructor was in the army. So she yelled at us like we were pond scum.
This was the calm before the storm. We were heading for a small waterfall and then we were going to be hitting the rocky waters. I love the dumb look I have on my face.
If you haven't noticed, she kept making us change up in the boat because she needed to keep the sides even in weight. I believe this is when my Johnny yelled out to everyone what I weighted. 
All I kept saying to myself was 'Stay in the boat and keep paddling'. 
When we finished, the instructor thought it would be fun and cute to flip the raft over. I did not like this one bit. 
My victory shot. I was wet and exhausted. But it was a ton of fun!
Where: North Woods Rafting in New Hampshire- Includes 2 runs on the river and a meal that they prepare for you. They also have a professional photographer to take pictures. I highly recommend buying the photo CD
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