Princess Diana
July 1, 1961-August 31, 1997

Diana, Princess of Wales was fatally killed in a car accident in France. I was 14 years old when this news happened. I didn’t believe it at first. I thought that somehow Diana would be okay. But sadly I was wrong. 

Growing up I idolized Princess Diana. What ordinary girl didn’t want to grow up and marry a prince? What little girl didn’t want to wear a crown and be a princess? I know I always did. Especially since Prince William is my age. I even had little paper dolls of Princess Diana. Somewhere they are stashed in the attack.

Diana was not only beautiful outside but inside as well. She had been a member of many charities and I dreamed of the day that I could one day meet her. I never let the divorce of her and Charles changes my mind about her. In fact, it made me like her even more to see that she was an independent and outspoken woman who wasn’t afraid to say it like it is. I watched with my mom her funeral along with millions of other viewers. It was a sad day. We lost a real life angel. You don’t find too many people like her in this world.

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