On this day, my husband and best friend for 8 years, told me he didn't want to be with me anymore. The reason? He was bored and wanted to be with more than one woman and experience more in his life.
Basically he wanted the Tucker Max life.
This is kind of how I felt in pictures:

This is when he told me to basically pack up my life and leave. That's right, I got kicked out. This was the worst day of my life.

So I left my nest that I have known for eight years and headed out to the real world. Thank god for my family or I would have never got by. During the first few months, I cried myself to sleep at night. Painful sobs at least once a day. The kind that hurts your chest.

This was how I was most of the time at work and at home. I was in a serious funk. I looked like crap. I had no friends, I didn't wear makeup, and I just stopped caring. If I was faced with death I would probably have accepted it.
But then I realized something. Johnny was thriving. He was going on in his life. Why can't I? So I either need to spread my wings and fly or fall to the ground and die. I needed to make a decision. So what did I decide to do?
That's right, I spread those wings open and begin to live. I was taking back my life. I was going to make it!

Then I got really pissed at what he did and decided that I needed to have what I deserved. I reconnected with some old friends, joined a gym and created a bucket list of everything I ever wanted to do. I wasn't going to let him destroy me. I am a fighter and I am going to live life to the fullest.
Things that helped me through this tough time
My Family
They did everything they could to make me happy and comfortable. Even though they don't have much, they gave me everything I needed. I thought it would be hard to go back home but after 5 minutes I felt like I never left.
She spent countless hours hanging out with me during this time. She has been my friend for 18 years. She would be the first person who would help me egg his house.
My Close group of Friends
After reconnecting with them after 8 years, they make me feel like I have never left. The are the reason why I am stronger. I used to wear my wedding band everyday until I went to my first party with these guys. It never went back on. They have pushed me to do things I never did and have made me experience life again.
My Co-workers
Even though they didn't find out about the separation for 6 months, once they found out I have received nothing but supportive. They are all on Team Laurie
Grace Chapel
I met some GREAT people there who listened to me vent and got me out of the house
Comfort food knew just how to make me feel better
Red Sox
For keeping my mind busy
My Credit Card
Two words: Retail Therapy
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