Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Got Divorced

Its official! I am now a divorced woman! Yay!!!!! I have to say that its a huge relief to get my old last name back and to really be able to move on with my life.

As hard as this day was, I was really proud of the way I handled this day. I was going to walk in there with my head held high and do what I needed to do. I was determined to not cry or show my ex an sign of weakness. While I was sitting there in the court room waiting for them to call our names, I realized the date. We were just 3 weeks shy of our 3 year wedding anniversary. It made me feel alittle sad thinking of that. But then I realized that for the last year, I have done more and experienced more then I ever did when I was with him. This was the best thing that could have happened to me.

In less then 15 minutes, my 2 year marriage and 8 year relationship with my ex was over. It was a little too easy if you ask me. But I walked out of that court feeling like a new person.

I said goodbye to my ex and got in my car to drive away. It was finally done and I couldn't be happier.

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