Friday, January 1, 1999

Got my first full-time job

It’s official.

I am an adult :(

After being unemployed for 2 months, I got a full time job working as a teller for a small community bank that my boyfriend’s mom works for. It’s not exactly my ideal job, but it pays the bills and gives me health insurance. My plan is to stay here for a year and get back on my feet financially. I have seriously only $2.00 in my name right now. I barely have money for gas.

Since I am working for a bank now, I needed clothes that are professional looking. With $10 my Mom gave me, I headed to a used clothing store on my lunch break my second day on the job. I was able to buy 3 pairs of pants and a couple of tops with the money. Combined with clothes that my Mom had, I had enough clothes to make it through a week until I got my first paycheck!

One of my first major purchases with my new fortune was a beautiful velvet coat from a store I went into during my lunch break. It was $100 and I couldn’t wait to get it.

Being a banker has its ups and downs. I work Monday thru Friday with weekends and holidays off and I am home by 5pm. But it is very boring work and not what I wanted to do with my life. I can’t believe I went from training to be an EMT to training to be a Bank teller.


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