Friday, January 30, 2009

I volunteered to feed the homeless.

Early 2009 was a tough time for me. I had separated with my husband and was living back home. I was pretty miserable at this time. I lost my apartment, my large comfy bed, the couch we got for free from Jordan's just by the Sox winning the World Series, a 52 inch flat screen tv (brand new too) and my kitchen. I moved back in with my parents with just a laptop and boxes filled with my personal items. I had no friends by my side, thank god for my family. The one thing that hurt the most was not being able to take my fish tank with me. There was just no room and a large cat at my families house to bring it with me. I slept on a couch in the living room and lost my privacy.

I needed to do something with my life. My sister then told me about Soulfood. It was a group from her church that volunteers to feed the homeless in Boston. So I decided to give it a try. Besides I like helping people out.

My sister brought me to her church to prep for Soulfood. We made sandwiches, snack bags and sorted though clothes that where donated. I met a lot of great people that night.

At 7am on Saturday, we all loaded the car and made our way to Boston common. This was the line waiting for a sandwich.

There I am passing out toiletries next to my sister. You can see that it was windy that day. All I could think was that in a few hours I would be in a nice warm house while these people where going to be sleeping on the street. it was heartbreaking.

Despite the fact that they had just the clothes on their backs, they were so happy to receive a sandwich and someone to listen to them.

Being with these people made me realize that my life was not that bad. Every night I had a warm place to sleep.I never went hungry. I had clean clothes. A stable job. I never had to worry if it was going to rain outside. My life was pretty darn good.


Soulfood- their website. They are more then happy to receive any donations that come alone. My sister is one of the leaders so I know that they will be taken care of.


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