Saturday, June 18, 2011

Went to the Bruins "Rolling Rally" parade

The Bruins won the Stanley Cup and tradition in Boston was to celebrate by having a “Rolling Rally” parade on the duck boats.
I had never been to a parade to celebrate a Boston sports team win. But David, being a huge Bruins fan, insisted that we go. I agreed and we made plans to meet some of my friends in Boston.

We got to Boston at about 7am. The weather was cool and I wish I brought a sweatshirt. The parade didn’t start until 10am so we had a lot of waiting to do. But if order for us to get a good spot, we needed to get their nice and early.
The sun came out and it got HOT!! I wish I brought a nice cold drink but I didn’t dare lose my place because the crowd was forming. Hundred of people lined the sidewalk to catch a glimpse of the cup and team that were to pass by.

Finally, after what seemed like FOREVER, the duck boats were in view. They made their way to us and were inches away from us. I loved watching David’s face as the players he rooted for were right in front of him.

Even though I am not a Bruins fan and had no clue who any of the players were (except for Tim Thomas) I got into the whole parade. I clapped, waved and smiled big as they passed by. It was amazing.

The Stanley cup passed by us and I felt an electricity in the crowd. It was truly awesome to witness. I felt like I just saw a piece of history. David nearly jumped the roadblocks to when the cup was right in front of us.

Although we waited 3 hours for the parade to start, it was well worth it, despite that we both got major sunburns and almost past out from the heat. David kept that smile on his face the entire day. Nothing better then that!

Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Watched the Bruins win the cup!

I would love to say how exciting this day was for me. How I watched the Bruins win surrounded by countless fans. How I high-fived random fans as beer is being passed out to celebrate. Proudly showing off my Bruins pride along with the way while confetti is being tossed.


When they won I was home. Alone. In bed. Sigh…so boring.

David is a HUGE Bruins fan whereas I am not. I prefer my Patriots and Sox to the Bruins or Celtics. So when David asked if it was okay to watch the game with a group of his friends at a bar, I was fine with that. But there was no way in Hell that I was going to miss watching the Bruins possibly win the Stanley Cup, considering since the Bruins have not won the Stanley Cup in my lifetime.

This all came down to this game. The Vancouver Canucks were a strong team and so were the Bruins. Each team had won 3 games and whoever won this game brought home the cup. Bruins fans wanted that cup and chants of “We want the cup” became our motto.

So I laid under the covers in bed and watched the last hockey game of the season. It was an easy win for the Bruins and they dominated this game winning with a score of 4-0.

I cheered and wrote a Facebook message congratulating the Bruins on their win. Then I fell asleep. David came home and had this huge grin on his face late that night. I woke up briefly and then passed out again.

Hmmm… this sounds like my activities when the Red Sox won the series in 2004. I wish these games were on earlier. Oh well. Congrats Bruins and their die hard fans!

Decided to start saving for a house.

David and I have been living together in our small arrangement for a little over a month now. Our space is small and cramped yet we are managing. It has been a huge adjustment for me from having my own large space.

There are several reasons on why we moved in with David’s parents. One reason for moving in was so that we want to be able to save for a house of our own. A lower rent payment is going to help us achieve our goal of being homeowners.

On this day we finally decided to get serious and open our first joint savings account! Yikes! Such a huge step in our relationship!!

Our plan is simple and aggressive. We need to save $15,000 (5% of $300,000) by May 2012. Seems like a hard to reach goal since we opened the account with just $10. But we are determined to make this dream a reality for us.

I have shared my goals out loud with family, friends and coworkers. All seem to have same reaction. Happy, yet ask when the wedding is. Apparently you need to be married in order to have a house or start a family. I didn’t think this was 1950 anymore.

Owning a house will mean so much for us. It will mean privacy, owning equity, a big step in our relationship and lastly starting a family.

Let’s hope that by next year we will be house hunting!


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