Sunday, March 13, 1983

Got Baptized.

I was baptized in a Catholic church in my town I grew up in. Here I am being held by my Godfather. On his left is my Godmother Ruthie. On his right is my Nana, my mothers mother. I love her little white hat. She was known to have a great taste in clothes. My Mom tells me I am like her.

Then there is my fathers mother. I believe that's my Uncle Eddy next in line. He is married to my Aunt Ruthie. I have NO idea who the next person is. And last is my Mommy! She looks so much like my sister here.

I want to know where my Dad is in this picture... maybe he is the one taking it.

Here I am dressed in my finest dress. Wasn't I a cutie?! Can't say I really remember much of this day where I was only 3 months old. Isn't my Nana so cute?

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