Saturday, October 31, 2009

Monster Mash 2009

I have not gone to a Halloween party in a long long time. For the last 8 years all I did for Halloween was order a pizza and hand candy out to Trick-or-Treaters. Not very fun at all. So when I heard that my friends were going to throw a Halloween party, I was very excited.

Going to the Halloween store with my friend I saw almost right away what I wanted to be. It was a cheerleading outfit that said U University on it. Across that was the work "Suck". It was perfect for how I felt lately. I wanted to be something dark and Gothic so this was perfect.

The costume was a tad too short for me so I bought some silver and black material and made it longer. I also bought some black leggings, striped socks, goth jewelry and wore my hair in pigtails. Much cuter in real life.

Me and my friend, Azad, who was a magicians assistant. You can see I made my skin pale and went really heavy on the eye liner. I tried to make my bangs all cute but they looked weird like this after a few hours. I also bought some fake piercings and had a lip ring and nose ring. Extremely uncomfortable to wear.

On a side note: I noticed in almost all the pictures I smiled like this. I thought it looked better to smile with my mouth closed but I look much better smiling and showing my teeth. I look like I am in pain here!

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